Welcome to doIT Consulting

Your trusted partner in IT recruitment

We care about your processes so that you can focus on your business

We just doIT

We hire the right people because we know IT

strong professionals
20 +
years of experience in global IT
50 +
trusted partners
100 %
understanding of customers needs

Global IT Recruitment

EMEA and NA markets expertise


End-to-end recruitment


  • Sourcing and conducting screens
  • Scheduling interviews
  • Supporting candidates and hiring managers
  • Advising in making an offer 
  • Getting the deal done


Senior-level and executives

Take your business to the next level:

  • Network of highly qualified candidates 
  • Senior-level and executive jobs
  • In-depth research on employer and employee needs
  • Consulting based on many years of experience in senior IT leadership jobs
  • Guarantee of perfect match


Agile team recruitment

Holistic approach to the team recruitment:

  • Experience and strong understanding of Agile
  • Creating a team vision based on the client’s needs
  • Wide pool of available candidates
  • Expertise in recruiting for specific roles on the team
  • Support throughout the whole process
We at doIT know how to do IT

Probably the only IT recruitment agency you will ever need



Our experience spans across:

  • Software development
  • Building and running IT organisations – from single development teams to software development divisions
  • Customer care, sales
  • Professional recruitment services

We've been in your shoes

In our corporate careers for years we’ve been:

  • Hiring IT people – developers, analysts, product managers, UX specialists, tech leads, dev managers, you name it
  • Working on the software products and solutions for the best IT companies in the industry

We’re partners in recruiting people 

Not just an agency that finds you CVs.

If you are keen on leveraging years of our experience in building high-performing IT teams, try us. 

Let’s meet (in person if possible, on telco most likely) and find out what you do and how, to:

  • Understand your needs and expectations (frankly, feel it!)
  • Build with you the ideal profile of your candidate


Let us do our magic and find the most suitable matches.

  • Talents who fit your needs and organizational culture so you can build your business upon them and succeed
  • You will see only those who fit you and are ready to join you

With us you will quickly notice the difference!

Our candidates about us

Meet our happy clients!

20+ years of experience in IT

Meet the doIT team

Did you know?

We really believe in the saying "Treat your customers the way you want to be treated".

Dominika and Tomasz are a couple and parents of three. The whole gang of five ambitious and creative people:

  • Loves spending time together, especially when doing sports and traveling
  • They do yoga a lot as they love practicing the poses but meditating and breathwork even more
  • You can meet them on the ski slopes and MTB parks 
  • And boy, they love tennis, on TV and on the court, when playing with their kids or practising together

Dominika Gajek

Senior IT Recruiter

Graduate of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow – Swedish philology. Loves Sweden and its language, btw other languages too – she is fluent in 5.

  • She started her career as a flight attendant and was quickly promoted to a lead of a cabin crew
  • She continued as a customer care expert and a sales manager, which led her ultimately to the recruitment industry. And this is where she found her dream job
  • Hiring for a banking corporation and then leading an agency division in a renowned IT recruitment company, she learnt all the pieces to become the best recruiter

She loves speaking with people from different cultures and backgrounds, and is able to identify the points that matter the most, for candidates and hiring managers, so she finds job matches that will last.

When speaking to Dominika

  • Be ready to answer detailed questions about your expectations regarding the candidates but also your recruitment process
  • You will discover a perfectionist in her – she is not afraid to challenge you, if your process is not fully transparent or candidate friendly
  • You are in good hands – she has the knowledge and experience to improve the recruitment process with you, just give her some room to help you out
It’s all about the customers and their success

Tomasz Gajek

Managing partner and SME

Graduate of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow in computer science and has since worked in a full range of IT positions.

  • He started from a junior software developer and progressed up to a technology director and a site lead
  • In his remarkable career he has been doing things that most likely you do in your everyday job
  • What’s even more important – he has succeeded in the most crucial task of hiring and leading great people, thanks to whom he built the best software products

Tomasz is all about agility and iterative approach. So when you get to work with him expect to get questions about the following:

  • What’s the most important for you in your recruitment project (your MVP)
  • How you can contribute to the project (your engagement as a customer)
  • How frequently you want to see the interim results (your view of the iteration process)
  • What works and not for you in this cooperation (short and frequent feedback loop)
He makes the difference when it comes to IT topics
Let’s meet

Want to book a meeting or have a question?

Call us on + 48 730 096 930 or simply book a meeting below

We're here for you

Get in touch with us

Probably the only IT recruitment agency you will ever need

doIT Sp. z o.o.

ul. Kolberga 35

32-085 Tomaszowice

NIP: 5130271272

REGON: 388720877

+48 730 096 930



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